Tailored Workshops

Looking for a unique and impactful experience for your club or organisation?


Tailored Workshops offer a powerful way to explore shared challenges, build connection, and develop practical tools for greater well-being. 


Whether your group wants to cultivate confidence, navigate change, enhance communication, or address a specific theme, we’ll co-create a workshop that meets your unique needs and goals.

These workshops are on zoom or in person. We can discuss what the best option for you would be.

The format of a typical workshop is as follows:


Part 1: Intro and sharing 

Part 2: Exercise in pairs or smaller groups 

Part 3: Short guided meditation or visualisation + closing circle 



Any of this can of course be tailored to your needs – we can chat through exactly what would work best for you.

Examples of what topics we can cover in a workshop are:


  • Understanding emotions 
  • Shared experiences of our struggles (and wins!)
  • Mental blocks, anxieties, fears that are holding us back
  • Self doubt, low self esteem 
  • Rebuilding trust in self or other 

Using tools such as:


  • Mindfulness / Present moment awareness 
  • Positive visualisations 
  • Emotional state shifts (from fear to curiosity)
  • Gentle goal setting 
  • Identifying barriers and steps to overcome them
  • Breathing exercises

Self Compassion
